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About Mutt Hutt

At Mutt Hutt, we believe that dogs deserve to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors just as much as their owners do. That's why we offer unique pet service that provides your furry friend with the freedom to play, explore, and socialize in a ranch outside the city. Our expert team ensures that your dog receives the best care possible, including outdoor play, socialization, light training, and a refreshing bath, available upon request. With our centralized pickups from your workplace, your dog can enjoy a day filled adventure and return to your office tired and happy, ready to travel home with you.

Our Story

Lindsey's deep-rooted passion for providing dogs with a fulfilling experience at our daycare stems from her roots.  Raised by entrepreneurial parents who operated a horse boarding business, she spent her childhood immersed in the world of animal care and outdoor play. With a love for dogs nurtured from a young age, founding this daycare feels like a natural extension of her upbringing. Our team shares a collective background in traditional indoor daycare settings, giving us firsthand insight into the limitations of such environments. Recognizing the importance of outdoor stimulation for dogs, we've crafted a unique approach that prioritizes supervised outdoor play in a spacious ranch setting near Seattle. Inspired by the Scandinavian philosophy that there's no such thing as bad weather, only inadequate gear, we believe in providing dogs with the opportunity to embrace the great outdoors every day.


Our Property

Our property is located in the woods in Redmond, Washington, about a 45 minute drive from our upcoming Ballard location! We have a field for our bouncy pups, an arena to focus them on our agility courses, and a trail to explore the area! We have also partnered with local groomers and trainers to provide extra services for your dogs on site.

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